First thing in the morning, my uncle shows up and disturbs me from my slumber. So, I put him to work cutting molding. And wouldn't you know, this was the result:

Pretty, huh? It's weird. When we were first laying out the molding along the walls, it took a second to get used to the room looking finished. That is how much I have gotten accustomed to my half-finished house..... I don't think a single room has quarter-round.*

Once my dad and his fiance showed up, we got to work on laying the floor in the front downstairs bedroom. This goes fairly quickly- lay barrier then start locking and clicking. It gets time consuming when you have to cut pieces to fit around doorways (especially abnormal on-a-slant doorways,) closets, and the base of stairs.
See? Took 3 brothers working together.. er.... well, maybe not "together," but it took 3 brothers working.
*Anymore. There was some crappy quarter-round that was removed during demo.
Cooper helps by walking through our work area.

Finished! We got the hallway and front bedroom done, so all that remains is the back bedroom. Oh, and nailing in the molding for the bedrooms. And installing the thresholds across the doorways. But other than that, it's practically finished!

See? Awesomeness!!! And there's a peek at the transformation this bedroom underwent.
looooooooove it! and is this room a greyish color cause if so (and it's not just the camera) i love it! just letting you know that i love the way my computer screen shows the color of the walls in this picture (tere are a lot of ways that i could be seeing a color that doesn't actually exist in this room in real life)
ReplyDeleteif you can understand all that garbage, i applaud you. (aplaude? applaude? haha i am not drunk!)
Ohhhh! So pretty. And it's come so far from the mess we walked into.